Longacres Private School publishes a weekly newsletter showcasing all the latest Longacres news, events and accomplishments of our learners. We also endeavour to share with parents our best classroom activities and innovations in our curriculum and extra mural activities.
No school exists in a vacuum, but rather forms an integral part of the community it serves. Longacres Private School therefore want to provide parents, entrepreneurs and business owners the opportunity to advertise in our school newsletter. If you are interested in supporting us, please contact our office.
We maintain an excellent academic standard by allowing learners the freedom to progress within their own ability, utilising the latest teaching strategies.
At Longacres Private School we believe in cultivating a balanced lifestyle in our learners. Therefore we encourage our students to participate in any of sport activities.
Cultural activities is not only part of our daily programme but also part of our mission to educate and develop learners physically, academically as well as creatively.
The school was formed in 2013 with the start of the first Gr. 1 class. The owners, Johan and Petrie Oettle decided it was the logical thing to do with Seeskulpie EDC, already in it's 9th year of excistence, being a natural feeding source to the newly formed Longacres Private School.
Die skool is in 2013 gestig, met die aanvang van die eerste Gr. 1-klas. Die eienaars, Johan en Petrie Oettle het besluit dit was die logiese ding om te doen met Seeskulpie VKO, reeds in sy 9 bestaansjaar, wat 'n natuurlike voedingsbron was vir die nuutgestigte Longacres Privaatskool.
Longacres is a double medium private school in Langebaan
Prospective parents are always welcome to visit Longacres Private School, whether for a walk through or a quick introduction. It is important to us that new parents and learners get to know our school as soon as possible.
An important focal shift in the effective handling of learner behaviour is the development and management of positive proportions between children amongst themselves, as well as between children and adults.
Enrolment fees for all grades amount to an once off, non refundable payment of R4000.
A discount of 2,5% will be effective on all school fees paid in full for the year by 28 February.
In a positive school situation the breaking of school rules is not looked on as a negative action against the school but as a negative action against other learners and teachers and causes conflict.
Longacres Private School strives towards excellence and the holistic development of each child: physically, academically and creatively. Our school assures optimal growth and exposure to quality cultural and sport activity through professional training.
Grades 1 to 2
Commences at 07:45
Adjourns at 13:00
Grades 3 to 12
Commences at 07:45
Adjourns at 14:00
Term 1
15 January – 28 March
Term 2
8 April – 27 June
Term 3
2 July– 3 October
Term 4
13 October – 9 December
Enrolment Fees for all grades: R4000 (once off and not refundable).
A discount of 2.5% will only be given for school fees paid in full for the year by 28 February.
Posbus 306
Loopstraat 47
Langebaan, 7357
Tel. 022 772 0302
P.O. Box 306
47 Loop Street
Langebaan, 7357
Copyright © 2025 Longacres Private School Langebaan.